Want more traffic? Ask and answer questions. Literally.

Provide value. That seems to be the answer to every marketer’s problems these days. But how do you actually do that if you don’t already have a following? Easy – answer a stranger’s question. Currently there are about 400,000 topics on Quora and more than 300 monthly users networking and looking for answers. Questions range from, How do I grow my Instagram following to What is the best beach on the East Coast?  While many questions won’t pertain to your business, these users are actively seeking information from other users. This is the prime opportunity to establish yourself as an expert

How to do it

First, find a question you can help with. Then, answer it. Finally, be nice. (Incredible strategy, huh?) In all seriousness, its a pretty simple concept. Spend a few minutes searching different topics pertaining to your business. Follow those topics to be notified when a new question comes out, then answer. Even if you don’t know the answer, you can still engage in the conversation by “upvoting” questions and responses. Just like every social media platform out there, it only works if you become part of the community and actively participate. Here are a few other things to be sure to do:

  • Connect with other users
  • Don’t just answer. Ask!
  • Create an in depth profile

Leverage the content

Just because a question was asked on Quora, doesn’t mean it has to stay solely there. Turn your responses into blog posts, video updates on LinkedIn, Facebook, etc. and try to expand on the conversation. At the end of the day, if someone has a question, chances are someone else does too.

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