What’s your marketing party trick?

Every wedding I go to, I always end up busting out the high leg kick and moonwalk the minute a Michael Jackson song comes on. (Preferably Billie Jean.) Meanwhile, my friend can cut the top of a champagne bottle clear off with the cake knife.

if you’ve ever been to any sort of wedding, concert, or fun event, one of the things that often gets talked about after is that person’s party trick.

The same held true for me at a conference just last week. While coming back into the main room from the coffee break, someone shared a quick tip on how to leverage Linkedin and connect with everyone in the room in less than 2 minutes. That small little tidbit went on to be one of the most talked about things during the two days. (You can watch a 90-second tutorial on how that works here.) Yes, the content, talks, and presentations at the conference were awesome and there were plenty of notes taken by the attendees in the audience, but in the end, the Linkedin tip was something everyone remembered.

While you don’t have to get on stage and start moon walking all over the place, (C’mon, that’s my thing) one small how-to can go a long way in making an audience remember you.

Total side note, if you clicked the link to watch the video, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well!

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